Living Life With Eyes Wide Open

Livestrong Voices
Published in
2 min readApr 25, 2017


My story starts in November, 2011. I developed excruciating pain in my leg, and after 6 months of different doctors, PT, and constant Prednisone, I was told I had stage 4 ovarian or colon cancer with very little time left.

After multiple tests, the diagnosis was changed to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma dlbcl stage 4, with over 90 percent bone marrow involvement. I received the standard RCHOP and did relatively well with it. My oncologist cautioned that with so much bone marrow involvement recurrence was pretty much a foregone conclusion.

I called LIVESTRONG’s cancer helpline and I talked to some wonderful counselors. They encouraged me to live life to the fullest, and that is what I have done! I have traveled to Paris, London, Barcelona and many other places that have expanded my world. Seeing life eyes wide open has deepened a sense of gratitude to God for such an amazing view.

Easter Sunday will be my 5-year cancer diagnosis anniversary. I am still in remission!

For those currently fighting, for those in remission, and for those who face the anxiety of recurrence — remember: though the night may be dark, there truly is joy in the morning.

Janet, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma survivor

Hearing the words “you have cancer” is the start of a what can be an emotionally, physically and financially challenging journey. LIVESTRONG Navigation can help.

