Don’t let cancer treatment take away your option to have a family — Emily’s story

Livestrong Voices
Published in
2 min readApr 6, 2017


I was diagnosed with stage 4B Hodgkin’s lymphoma last year when I was 27 years old. I was in the best shape of my life at the time and thought I was the healthiest I had ever been, but boy was I wrong.

After noticing a swollen lymph node on my neck, I went to see my doctor. That led to a series of other appointments and diagnostics. Hearing that I had been diagnosed with cancer was a total shock.

I was worried about my fertility with the aggressive type of chemo I was assigned and possible need for radiation, so I decided it best to freeze my eggs just to be safe. Much like all of my other medical expenses, egg freezing was going to cost an arm and a leg, but LIVESTRONG helped cover a large amount of the cost and I am very thankful for their help.

As of October 13th, I am officially in remission and I am finally beginning to feel like my normal self again. I am thankful for every day.

Emily — Hodgkin’s lymphoma survivor

If you have been diagnosed with cancer, talk to your doctor as soon as possible about the risks to your fertility. Visit our website at or call 855.220.7777 to find out how LIVESTRONG can help.

